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Faculty of Law

Legal Clinic

​​​​​​​The Applied Science Private University Law Clinic Founded in 2018 is run by the Clinic Director (a practicing solicitor) assisted by a Dean of Faculty and student committee.

The clinic uses the practice of law (simulated and actual) as a context to teach and research the substantive and procedural law, ethics, professional skills, effective interpersonal relations, appropriate dispute resolution techniques and the ability to integrate law, fact, procedure, and values by providing free consultations for poor people.

​Our vision is for a society that values and respects all people and the environment in which we live. Foster a commitment to build a society based on democratic values, social justice and the rule of law.

Our objective is to promote systemic change by:

The Law Clinic itself aims to benefit the local community, while also offering students the opportunity, not only to build on their understanding of substantive legal issues but also to boost transferable skills such as research, communication, time-management, and teamwork.

Provide the legal information for whole people in the community especially poor people by providing free consultations.

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