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PEOs, SOs, and Annual Student Enrolment and Graduation Data

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)​ 

1. Success in their chosen career.

2. Recognition for their effective communication with others.

3. Commitment to continual professional development.

4. Respect for their professional and ethical work toward individuals and society

​​​​​Student Performance Criterion (SPCs) for the Architecture Engineering Program

Realm-A:  Critical Thinking and Representation

Realm-B: Integrated Building Practices, Technical Skills, and Knowledge

Realm-C: Integrated Architectural Solutions

Realm-D: Professional Practice


Mapping Student Performance Criterion and PEOs

​​​ Realm- D​ Realm- C Realm- B Realm- A ​
×××× PEO-1
  ×  PEO-2
×××× PEO-3
××   PEO-4

Mapping SPCs with JNQF (Jordan National Qualification Framework

Level 7 Knowledge Skills Competencies
• A systematic understanding of the theories, concepts, principles, and generalizations related to the field of learning, some of which are public-of-the-art.
• Mastering the skills and tools required to solve complex problems in a specialized field of study 
• Demonstrating specialized and conceptual skills in the field of study. 
• Practicing evaluation in planning, design, and technical functions / Or supervisory functions related to products, services, or processes
 •Management of activities and projects. 
• Taking responsibility for making decisions in work or study contexts. 
• Taking responsibility for group work and working effectively under peer guidance. 
• Transferring and applying creative and diagnostic skills in a range of contexts.

1.      Realm-A:  Critical Thinking and Representation M S 
2.      Realm-B: Integrated Building Practices, Technical Skills, and Knowledge   S M
3.      Realm-C: Integrated Architectural Solutions   M S
4.      Realm-D: Professional Practice W M S​
