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Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Dean's Info and Message


Prof. Eyad Radwan
Power and Control Engineering

Academic Rank


Graduation Year


University Putra Malaysia​




 ​1514  / 1495




​​Dean's Message

Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at the Applied Science University. The Faculty of Engineering and Technology was established in 1992 and has been steadily progressing since then. Today we are better positioned than ever to address the challenges of the future. We are offering high quality career-oriented education with a strong emphasis on areas needed to advance the national and regional economies.

​The Faculty of Engineering and Technology is committed to excellence in education and research. As a result we have started a complete upgrading and modernization project. This project includes, upgrading the infrastructure, total renovation of the engineering building, and renewing and upgrading all the engineering laboratories. Our new labs are now equipped with state of the art hardware, software, and test equipment.

As an integral part of the Applied Science University, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology is proud of the diversity of its students. This diversity provides a rich intellectual and cultural environment and gives us the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of science and technology at the national, regional, and international levels.

Realizing that faculty and staff are an essential component of the educational process, we have recruited highly qualified faculty members, and we continue to invest in their professional development. Research has been pushed to the forefront of the development process, with the majority of our faculty members involved in active research. A number of research centers will be developed, the first of which, The Alternative and Renewable Energy Center (AREC), is currently under construction and development..

I invite you to become better acquainted with the Faculty of Engineering and Technology​, where you will discover engineering excellence, creativity, and cultural diversity.

Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology        ​​​​