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Otabeh Al-Oran

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Dr. Otabeh Al-Oran

Faculty Member

Dr. Otabeh Al-Oran earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in thermal power and energy from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary. He currently holds the academic rank of Assistant Professor. In the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, he teaches various courses, including Renewable Energy Sources and Applications, Thermodynamics, Building services, HVAC, Material Science, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Modeling and Simulation, Thermal Systems Design, Fluid Mechanics, and Combustion Technology. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Dr. Al-Oran actively participates in several administrative committees. He is also currently serving as the Head of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

  • Nanotechnology, Thermodynamics, Renewable Energy (Solar and Wind Energy), Heat Transfer, Alternative Fuel Sources, Combustion and Pollution, Fluid Dynamics, and Thermal Properties Measurements.