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1st Year - 1st Semester
MATH 110 Calculus I
PHYS 120 General Physics I
PHYS 121 General Physics Lab I
CHEM 130 General Chemistry
CHEM 131 General Chemistry Lab
ARB 110 Arabic Language I
ME 1079 Engineering Workshops
1st Year - 2nd Semester
EE 112 Calculus II
PHYS 220 General Physics II
PHYS 221 General Physics Lab II
CE 106Engineering Drawing
PE 201 Renewable Energy Applications & Sustainability
ENG 120 English Language I
CE 231 Engineering Geology
2nd Year - 1st Semester
CE 221 Statics
CE 263 Materials of Construction and Concrete Technology
CE 264 Materials of Construction and Concrete Technology Lab
EE 201 Computer Skills II
EE 203 Advance Engineering Mathematics I
CE 200 Ethics and Technical writing
MS 100 Military Science
2nd Year - 2nd Semester
CE 322 Building Construction
CE 210 Surveying
CE 216 Surveying Lab
HSS 151 Campus Life Ethics
CE 223 Strength of Materials
ME 210 Strength of Materials Lab
PE 203 Linear Algebra
3rd Year - 1st Semester
IE 323 Administration and Engineering Economy
CE 323 Structural Analysis I
CE 341 Highway Design
CE 351 Fluid Mechanics
IE 231 Probability and Statistics
HSS 116 Islamic Education
3rd Year - 2nd Semester
CE 324 Structural Analysis II
CE 332 Geotechnical Engineering
CE 333 Geotechnical Engineering Lab
CE 353 Environmental Engineering I
CE 458 Environmental Engineering Lab
CE 441 Traffic & Transportation Engineering
EE 220 Engineering Analysis
4th Year - 1st Semester
CE 424 Reinforced Concrete I
CE 428 Steel Structures
CE 454 Hydraulics
CE 457 Hydraulics and Fluid Lab
EE 302 Numerical Analysis
CE 588 Engineering Training
University Elective Course
4th Year - 2nd Semester
CE 429 Reinforced Concrete II
CE 459 Environmental Engineering II
CE 542 Pavement Design
CE 543 Pavement Design Lab
Department Elective Course
5th Year - 1st Semester
CE 456 Hydrology
CE 570 Construction Management
CE 533 Foundation Engineering
CE 585 Graduation Project I
CE 551 Planning and Design of Airports
5th Year - 2nd Semester
CE 522 Bridges Engineering
CE 576 Specifications, Contracts and Quantity Surveying
CE 587 Graduation Project II
Waste management in informal settlements and camps in the Middle East and North Africa (Jordan is a study example)
Haj Abdullah Abu Khadija Engineering Competition Technology
Power Engineering and Renewable Energy major