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Civil Engineering

American Concrete Institute (ACI)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What is ACI ?

The American Concrete Institute is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development, distribution, and adoption of consensusbased standards, technical resources, educational and training programs, and certification programs related to concrete design, construction, and materials. ACI has more than 100 professional chapters, 215 student chapters, and 30,000 members spanning more than 120 countries.

Why join ACI ?

Becoming a student member is opening the door to an opportunity to experience ACI and begin to grow your professional career.

Board members

Faculty adviser
Dr. Hashem Alhind​​i
 Ali Hammoudah

Vice president
 Leen Ali
Bashar Alkiswani​
Social Media
Mahmoud Alsader
Imad Shawish
Mahmoud Hammoudeh
Public relations
Mohanned Alsawa​eir


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