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​​​​​​​​​1- How is the university ID card issued for a new student?

When a student completes enrolment and gets an ID no., he/she can contact the Student Service clerk to be photographed and get his/her ID card.

2- How is a new university ID card issued in case of loss?

A student needs to contact the Deanship of Student Affairs for a new ID card upon providing a receipt of a JD5 fine.

3- Is the study residence permit free?


4- How long is the study residence permit valid for?

For a year, to be renewed by contacting the Expatriates Affairs Department a month before the expiry.

5​- What if the residence permit is not renewed?

A fine of JD1.5 per day should be paid.

6- Is the study residence permit valid in case the student graduates?

لNo, it should be settled through the Expatriates Affairs Department in case the student graduates or withdraws from university.

7- How can I contact the Expatriates Affairs Department?

Via e-mail:

8- Should the student personally visit the police station to receive the residence permit?

No, ASU’s representative is available to receive the residence permit from the police station.

9- Should the medical test be taken every time the residence permit is renewed?

No, the medical test is only taken in the first time the residence permit is issued to check that the student is free of diseases.

10- How much does the medical test cost?


11- Is the residence permit available for all nationalities?

No, only for the restricted nationalities. You may view the restricted nationalities list.

12- Can I transfer my residence permit from my father’s guarantee to that of your university?

Yes, provided that you become a regular student.

13- Is it possible to issue a student visa for someone who is not in Jordan?؟

Yes, it can be obtained by the Expatriates Affairs Department, which would contact the competent authorities, provided that the student duly enrolls at ASU.

14- Do you render urgent student visa and residence services in any case of emergency faced by the student?


15- Does ASU hold activities for expatriate students?


16- What are the residence permit procedures for a non-Jordanian student?

A student needs to provide the Expatriates Affairs Department with a copy of the passport and a proof of enrolment, so that the Department clerks can complete the residence permit procedures.

17- How can a student subscribe to student parking lot?

A student needs to contact the Deanship of Student Affairs to obtain a permission to enter the parking lot upon getting a receipt of the semester subscription fee.

18- What is the Student Recruitment Program?

This is one of the services rendered by ASU to enrolling students. It is mainly aimed at training a student to join labor in the future and how to make use of time, taking into consideration that the working hours are in the student’s free time. A student also receives a token remuneration.

19- What is a social grant?

It is a 25% discount offered by ASU according to needy students criteria. Relevant applications are submitted at the Deanship of Student Affairs at the beginning of each academic year.

20- Is there health insurance?

Yes, ASU students are covered by health insurance services.

21- What are the procedures to be followed by a student who needs to benefit from the health insurance?

A student needs to contact ASU clinic, which is already equipped. If consulting a specialist or performing a surgery is required, he/she is transferred to Ibn Al-Haytham Hospital duly according to a special form signed by the physician.

22- Is there student accommodation?

Yes, for more information on student accommodation, visit ASU website or call: 0792223814 or 0792223816.

23- Is there a psychological counselor at ASU?

Yes, there is a psychological counseling office at the Deanship of Student Affairs. A student may contact the counselor at the appointments announced at the beginning of each semester.

24- Can new and old students pay the tuition fees online or via banks or internet services?

Yes, any student can pay via banking services (applications/transfers) or internet services.

25- How and when is the placement test (for Arabic, English, and Computer) held for new students?

The placement test is held at the beginning of each semester over two weeks. In accordance with ASU Instructions, a student may sit the test within the first two years of enrollment.

26- Is a student who holds an ICDL exempt from taking the Remedial Computer Skills course?

Yes, if it is an accredited international ICDL certificate.

27- Can a student equalize the marks of a placement test from another university and be exempt from ASU test?

Yes, sure.

28- Can a student repeat the Placement Test in case of failure?

Yes, a student can repeat it within a maximum period of two years, in accordance with ASU Instructions.

29- Is Military Science and National Education compulsory for non-Jordanian students?

No, it is not.

30- Can a student who has completed the graduation requirements with a low accumulative average take other courses or repeat those in which he/she got a low mark, in order to raise the accumulative average?

لA graduate is not allowed to take or repeat any course to raise the accumulative average.

31- When can a student take an alternative course? Are there special conditions?

Visit ASU website to view Article (…) about alternative courses in the electronic Student Guide.

32- How can a student obtain documents (proof of enrolment, transcript, additional copies of the graduation certificate, etc.)?

A student needs to contact the Student Accounting section to pay the fees assigned to each document and then visit the student services clerk at the Admission and Registration Department to print it out.

33- If a student has discontinued study and wishes to withdraw, delay a semester, or return to study, what should be done?

- A student who withdraws or delays needs to contact the Admission and Registration Department and Student Accounting section to obtain a certificate of clearance.

- A student who has discontinued study needs to apply for an exception to return. It is up to the Faculty and Student Issues Committee to issue an approval.

34- What is the legal study period?

In accordance with ASU Instructions, the maximum study period in scientific faculties is 8 years (16 semesters) and in humanities faculties 7 years (14 semesters).

35- What are the graduation procedures?

A student needs to contact the Career Guidance and Alumni Office (and the Expatriates Affairs Department for non-Jordanian students), the Student Accounting section to complete clearance procedures, and the Registration clerk to submit the certificate of clearance and receive the graduation documents.

36- When are the graduation ceremony dates set?

Dates of graduation ceremonies are set in the university calendar at the beginning each academic year, which can be viewed on ASU website. A student can also contact the Deanship of Student Affairs for matters related to the ceremonies.

37- How can a student learn about photographing for the YearBook?

Announcements are made for graduates about photographing dates. A student can also contact the Deanship of Student Affairs for any queries related to the YearBook.

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8/31/2022 2:55 PM