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Sustainable Development Goals

5.6.6 Women’s Mentoring Schemes

Have women’s mentoring schemes, in which at least 10% of female students participate.

Support Services for Mother Students
Mentoring scheme for female students

 The Deanship of Students’ Affairs has established a new department with the objective of supporting female students studying at the Applied Science Private University. The department provides the following services and mentorships:

· Counselling for new mothers – Providing support with regards to time management and handling of different responsibilities simultaneously.

· Personal assistance for pregnant female students while conducting different transactions at the university campus.

· Provide guidance and assistantship in relation to completing their studies and assignments within the timeline specified.

· Medical health counselling regarding issues related to female students' health and wellbeing

· Physical activity mentoring to help in maintaining the wellbeing and physical activity of female students

· Coordinate with the relevant academic departments to offer flexibility in the assessment procedures and components to accommodate the needs of female students with special needs and circumstances. Ref: Students Affairs (

  The Female Students Society (Entry No.15 of the Societies and Clubs table).is one of the largest female bodies for the provision of services (mentoring, forming study groups, organizing events) that target female students at the university. Ref: Students Affairs (

5.6.6 "Women’s mentoring schemes

ASU has women’s mentoring schemes, in which at least 10% of female students participate.

For example:

· Developing Students' Career Skills and Capacities Programs, this program The Deanship of Students Affairs seeks to enhance students' capacities and encourage the spirit of initiative. It coordinates with different institutions to hold a set of free training courses programs aimed at motivating and qualifying the youth to become active society members. These activities take place in halls well-equipped for student training. They concentrate on promoting entrepreneurship by giving students the chance to transfer ideas to projects with assistance by ​specialists from different training centers. The

participation for women in this program exceeds 10% of all participant and maybe more than 50%​

11/20/2023 6:09 PM