The Deanship of Students’ Affairs has established a new department with the objective of supporting female students studying at the Applied Science Private University. The department provides the following services and mentorships: Medical health counselling regarding issues related to female students' health and wellbeing, Physical activity mentoring to help in maintaining the wellbeing and physical activity of students.
Here we have the examples:
1.The Social and Cultural Committee at the College of Pharmacy/Applied Science Private University organized a series of interactive awareness lectures presented by Dr. Ahmed Al-Salem - psychiatry and addiction specialist.
The lectures were held during the month of November on Sundays every week from 11/14/2021 to 11/28/2021 and included a discussion of antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers.
The lectures targeted students of the College of Pharmacy, academics, and local community pharmacists, and they received remarkable interaction and great approval from the audience in terms of scientific content and method of presentation.
2.The Social and Cultural Committee at the Applied Science Private University/Faculty of Pharmacy invites you to attend a series of awareness lectures presented by Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Salem - specialist in psychiatry and addiction treatment.
The lectures target College of Pharmacy students, academics, and local community pharmacists.
The lectures will be held via the Zoom application during the current month of November according to the listed schedule.