ASU Provide specific expert advice to local, regional and national government for examples:
1- This is a published article on local news portal about a joint meeting was held at the Jordanian Union's headquarters between the Jordanian Federation of Insurance Companies Executive Committee of the Life and Health Insurance Committee and representatives of the Applied Science University and the Pharmacists Syndicate to discuss adding the drug review service within the insurance coverage within paid health care services.
2- Applied Sciences and the Public Security Directorate sign a cooperation agreement in the field of Cybersecurity
To complement the march of excellence and the keenness of the Applied Science Private University and the College of Information Technology to build real partnerships with national institutions, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Public Security Directorate in the field of cybersecurity.
His Excellency the President of the University, signed the memorandum on behalf of the university and the Assistant Director of Public Security for Administration and Logistical Support, representing the Public Security Directorate.