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Sustainable Development Goals

ASU Assessment Tools for Assessing Sustainability Literacy and Knowledge

​​​​​​​​​​​The University offers a set of courses to assess the sustainability literacy and knowledge The university identified three main areas of SDGs (Health and Wellbeing, Environment, Equity & Human Rights). The students' achievement in these three areas is measured through the assessment in the corresponding subjects. please follow the link below and in the message

Throughout the student’s journey in the Applied Science Private University, they are exposed to the concepts of sustainability at different stages of their program of study. Students are required to complete university level courses that belong to one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals. These courses are categorized as follows

1. Health and Wellbeing Category
a. 1401130 Sports and Health (20231.png​ )
b. 1501154 Health Education (20212.png​)

2. Environment
a. 1501127 Green Energy (20231.png​ )
b. 1401127 Environmental Development (20231.png​ )

3. Equity & Human Rights
a. 1401126 Human Rights (20231.png)
b. 401118 Ethics in Islam ( 20231.png)
c. 1401151 Campus Life Ethics (20231.png​)

The students’ overall results in these courses are used as a tool to assess their sustainability literacy and knowledge.

The statistics show that the number of students who enroll these courses and their results. The number of students reflects the students’ interest in selecting these subjects, and their results reflect their performance.

​On the other hand, more in-depth specific knowledge and skills related to sustainability are also measured at the program level to assess specific areas of sustainability and its applicability to their field of study in their projects or courses.

For example, at different programs in the field of engineering, a big portion of the graduation project assessment is allocated to the fulfillment of the Economic, Environmental, Ethical Public Health, Safety and welfare, Social, National and Global. realistic constraints.

Sample of Graduation Project Assessment Rubric (sample-Graduation Project 2.pdf ​)


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