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Sustainable Development Goals

Support Services For People with Disabilities

​​1-Based on the evaluation of each individual case and the availability of resources, the university through the Deanship of Students' Affairs, and upon approval of relevant departments, provides the necessary support and services for students with disabilities.
This includes:
1.Personal assistants to help students with mobility impairment and physical impairments move around the university campus (this is governed by the number of available staff).
2.Examination adjustments can be arranged by recommending extra timing and permission of usage of assistive technologies including PC's and related software.
3.Early access to large-scale events for students who would face mobility difficulties or are nervous in crowds.
4.Extended library material borrowing time. This will allow students with disabilities to keep library materials for longer, giving them more time to process the required information.
5.Priority in booking the university accommodation. Students that require reasonable adjustments made to their accommodation arrangements can access higher specification rooms and given the priority to occupy the ground floor rooms at no extra charges.

2- Campus is easily accessible by people with disabilities:

3- Access schemes for people with disabilities such as mentoring or other targeted support

4- ASU university offers on-campus accommodation 

5- We have a reasonable accommodation policy or strategy for people with disabilities, including adequate funding, ASU provides 50% of tuition fees for people with disabilities. 

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