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Sustainable Development Goals

Collaboration with NGOs to Tackle the SDGs 

The Applied Science Private University collaborates with NGOs to tackle SDgs through students volunteering programs, research programs and development of educational resources. Examples of such collaborations: 

1. MoA between Applied Science Private University and Stichting  Nuffic (Netherlands) funded by the European Union under grant contract EDU SYRIA.21/0096. The Project aims to develop educational and training resources to Empower Syrian Refugee Widows and capacity development in plumping and gray water treatment for reuse in agriculture.  

2. The annual English Language teaching program carried under the Katie’s Readers initiative. This program is a two-month program that targets disadvantaged schools and students. The program is organized by the faculty of Arts and Humanities and run by volunteer students and faculty members. 

3. The Faculty of Arts & Design, through its lecturers, always strives to organize and provide voluntary outreach lectures for local schools and communities in efforts to help and increase public awareness about the importance of arts and design. There are no fixed annual dates for these lectures and initiatives, but the faculty tries to spread them across the entire academic year.

4. Research collaboration between Applied Science Private University (JORDAN), University of Salford (UK), London South Bank University (UK), University of Bradford (UK), and Surveying Technologies and Service (JORDAN)  to carry out a project funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering titled “ Anew Portal for City Information Modelling: System Integration in Industry and Sustainable Urban Regeneration

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