Message from the Director of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Office:

We welcome you to Quality Assurance and Accreditation Office website, which was established in 2010 with the aim of raising the level of performance, efficiency and competitiveness of the various faculties, departments as well as academic and research centers at the university in a way that ensures our presence on the map of distinguished universities locally and globally.
We have adopted “Continuous development is our path to excellence” philosophy, which served as the real starting point in achieving the university’s mission and objectives, through optimal exploitation of available resources, and through supervising the application of quality assurance standards, including academic and administrative quality, in order to move-up in the local and international classification.
We believe that quality plays an essential role in developing education and learning policies and keeping pace with the globalization era. Therefore, quality procedures and applications are no longer an option, but rather have become a strategic necessity to continue to excel among universities, so our graduates can compete in a global market, which in turn requires universities to measure their outcomes and enhance them by adopting the highest international quality standards.
Accordingly, we seek to develop and apply quality to improve the efficiency of our employees and to ensure the quality of its academic programs’ outcomes. The university is also keen to provide an efficient faculties staff supported by an effective administrative and technical staff, provide a distinguished learning environment, and graduate competencies capable of innovation, creativity, and to compete in the local, regional, and global market. Therefore, the office works to document quality procedures, monitor their activities, measure learning outcomes, and use this information, to reach the highest levels of quality according to the current requirements.
We hope that you enjoy visiting our office’s website and benefiting from the available information. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any inquiries or suggestions via the office’s email:
Quality Assurance and Accreditation Office Director
Prof. Thair A. Kaddumi