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Academics from the University of Camerino- Italy, visited the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Applied Sciences Private University as part of an Erasmus+ Mobility Project

In coordination with the International Relations Office, the dean of the faculty of pharmacy, along with the head of departments and faculty members, welcomed two academics from the University of Camerino as part of the Erasmus+ program. 

The dean of the faculty discussed ways to enhance cooperation and academic partnership between the two institutions, and the academics were taken in a tour to explore the facilities of ASU. 

A lecture was delivered to MSc. students by Dr. Giovanni Caprioli and Dr. Diego Perinelli as part of the course titled: "Advanced Instrumental Analysis" Following that, the visiting academics had several meetings with faculty members who had similar research interests to start establishing research cooperation between the two institutions. 

In addition, a tour of the faculty's facilities was organized where the industrial, instrumental, research laboratories, the virtual pharmacy, and the laboratories dedicated for nutrition and dietetics were visited.
