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Arts & Humanities



Call for Papers 

Online International Symposium on Insights and Challenges in Linguistics, Translation and Literature 

Amman, Jordan 

March 24, 2021

The Department of English Language and Translation at the Applied Science Private University cordially invites you to the International Symposium on Linguistics, Translation and Literature to be held on March 24th, 2021 at the Applied Science Private University. 

The symposium is one of the leading international events for language-related academic researchers. Selected refereed papers presented at the conference will be published in a special issue of the Applied Science University Journal for Humanities. This Symposium is mainly a platform to foster ties and links between researchers of English and translation at Jordanian universities and universities around the world. Keynote speakers will be announced later. This will be the fourth international symposium organized by the Department of English Language and Translation. 

Relevant topic areas of the Symposium include, but not limited to: 


               ·  Applied linguistics 
               .  (Critical) discourse analysis
               .  Corpus linguistics  
               .  Semantics and ​​pragmatics 
               .​  Sociolinguistics across cultures 
               .  Psycholinguistics and first language acquisition
               . Foreign/second language acquisition 
               . Syntax and Phonology


·       Cross-cultural communication and translation studies 

·       Literary translation 

·       Audio and visual translation  

·       Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting   

·       Translation curriculum development 


· ​      Criticism and literary theory 

·       Comparative literature 

·       Identity and cultural studies 

·       Feminist and gender studies 

·       Colonial and post-colonial literature 

·       Ethnicity and national identity 

·       Modern and postmodern literature 

·       World literature and indigenous studies 

·       Film studies ​

Teaching English as FL/SL 

.    Teaching language using technology 

·       Development of EFL/ESL competencies 

·       Teaching culture and language skills 

·       Teachers' and students' perspectives on teaching language 

·       New trends in foreign languages teaching 

·       Language learner autonomy 

Important Dates 

         -    Abstracts submission: Saturday, 10 March 2021  Submit an Abstract​​

         -    Notification letters to authors: Sunday, 12 March 2021 

         -    Registration deadline for presenters and attendees:

                  .  Early registration Tuesday, 9 March 2021​​

​​                  .  Late registration deadline Thursday, 18 March 2021  Register Now​

Please use the following links to join the sessions:

Wednesday, March 24th:

Thursday, March 25th:

Kindly make sure to have a valid Microsoft account (email), and have the Microsoft Application Downloaded on either your mobile phone or personal computer.​​

For further information, please contact:
   1. Dr. Isra Al-Qudah (Translation)              
   2. Dr. Mais Al-Qutami (Literature)            
   3. Dr. Zakariya Almahasees (Liaisons Officer)​ / +962778721244​
   4. Yousef Hamdan (Technical Support)           / +962775635670


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