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Arts & Humanities

Dean's Info and Message


Dr. Hadeel Ali Saed

Curriculum and Methods of Teaching English​

Academic Rank
 Associate Professor​​
Graduation Year



Jordan university​
Jordan ​
1471- 1340​





Deans Message

​​Our students are the key to our future; we shape them to become the pioneers of tomorrow. Just like any solid building needs a strong foundation, our students must understand why they join a university and put in the necessary effort to reach their goals. The teaching-learning process demands excellence from both staff and students; settling for anything less than the best is not an option.

​University education marks a pivotal stage in one's life, launching them into practicality. Investing in this initial phase wisely can pave the way for greater success in the future. Once we've fulfilled our responsibilities, all that's left is to seek guidance from above and hope for a better future.​

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