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Security and Safety Department

Department strategy


That the university environment to be a distinctive model to be followed in the fields of university security and safety.


Providing excellent security and public safety services to all students and employees and all university visitors on campus.


  1. Institutional.

  2. Excellence.

  3. Integrity

  4. Professionalism.

  5. Credibility



  • 1. Guarding the entrances to the university and all buildings and facilities and working to monitor them.
  • 2. Organizing the entry of students, workers, and visitors to the campus.
  • 3. Guarding the outer walls.
  • 4. Preventing the removal of any equipment or property except by order of officials or obtaining the authorized person's approval.
  • 5. Maintaining security and order within the university and preventing quarrels and riots.
  • 6. Security supervision of all activities carried out at the university.
  • 7. Maintaining public safety.


  • 1. Preserving the university's capabilities and preventing the occurrence of security breaches of the university.
  • 2. Providing the best services in all university facilities and ensuring that university laws are applied.
  • 3. Maintaining university security inside and outside the university walls to prevent any problem.


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Security and Safety Department

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