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Center of Environmental Studies and Renewable Energy

About the Center

ASU Environmental Studies and Renewable Energy Center established in 1996 for research issues of our academic staff and students, and to follow up the new technology in energy field, especially renewable energy which it's now capture the attention of all countries all around. 

In 2013 ASU installed the PV project in two separated systems 

- Photovoltaic System of 500 kWp Grid connected installed on Engineering roof, library roof, and activity building roof. 

-Test Field system of 58 kWp Grid connected. 

Then in 2015 as the first university in Jordan, ASU installed the Weather Station to give useful data for persons who are interested in studying the weather parameters (temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction,.), this data upload and update automatically in the formal website of the university. 

In addition to our PV projects and researches, we expanded and opened the opportunities of practical training for our students and others from other universities. Also, as a future plan, we'll hold many training courses in renewable energy and PV systems, and build a partnership with many leading institutions in energy field. 

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Center of Environmental Studies & Renewable Energy

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