تسجيل الدخول

كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية

مسابقة المترجم الصغير


The Department of English Language and Translation At the Applied Science Private University is organizing the "Young Translator Contest 2019 "
for Grade 10th, 11th, 12th


  1. 1.    Opening Ceremony (Sat., November 2nd 2019/10-10:30 am)

    2.    Translation contest (Sat., November 2nd 2019/  11-1)

    3.    Training Session for Supervisors (Sat., November 2nd 2019/  11-12:45)

    4.    Prize Award Ceremony (Thurs., November 7th 2019/ 11-1)

  2. Objectives:

  1. - To inspire students to be creative translators through giving them the opportunity to participate in such activities.

  2. - To promote excellence in translating from English into Arabic and vice versa.

    Important Information:

Registration Deadline

Thursday, October 17th , 2019

Registration Link

Click here

Date of Contest

Saturday-November 2nd , 2019


First 200 Applicants

Target Students

Grade 10th ,11th , 12th


-The University Gym Hall (Building 6)
-The University Conference Palace


General Issues: (Scientific, literary and economic)
*English to Arabic and vice versa.



Assessment Criteria:  

  1. - Coherence and cohesion                      
    - Structure.
    - Terminology.
    - Style.
    - Accuracy of translation.
    - Ability to write correctly (grammar and choice of expressions).
    - Creativity of translation solutions.


  1. Awards:

  • First Prize: Trophy + scholarship

  • Second Prize: Trophy + scholarship

  • Third Prize: Trophy + scholarship

  • Shields for schools and institutions

  • All participants and supervisors will receive certificates of participation 


Test assessment:

Each translation will be assessed by a panel of professional professors of translation.

Please Note:

  • • Students shall submit the registration form before the stated deadline.

  • • Students shall be allowed to use dictionaries (off-line).

  • • Mobile phones or iPads shall not permitted during the test.

  • • Snacks will be provided at the opening ceremony.

  • • No replacement for registered students.

to Apply for the contest click here

For Further information contact Dr. Hadeel Al Saed
Mobile No: 0795184331
Email: ytranslator_cont@asu.edu.jo

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كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية

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